Entangled Particles
Gentle wisps of chemical odours diffuse through a well-lit room. Where every atom making up the air of the laboratory is somehow energised beyond the norm. Certainly, to the scientists, pumped with adrenaline, every cell of their bodies feels uplifted. Confident of their discovery, they are at the precipice of completing their life’s work, about to take the final plunge, a dive into new technology, the pursuit of which many might call a waste time and resources, unachievable, yet the scientists in this laboratory have vision, they can see a new world opening up before them.
Standing over the large table, every inch of it supporting their complex, shining, metallic apparatus, firing their laser beam through the crystal, Ned and Vik continue to create entangled particles, transporting the elements straight into their own painstakingly designed and researched glass spheres. Trusting that their, yet to be patented, mechanism for sealing these vessels remains top-secret.
Remembering their monumental efforts of the preceding years, holding onto their faith, minds remaining balanced and focused, lips remaining closed, heads down, step by step, today they know they are about to arrive.
Glancing up at his co-worker, amongst Vik’s chaotic hair and bushy beard, his eyes are as bright as the laser beam itself. Lean and driven, Ned responds with a large grin, confident that their recalibration is on the money, their next test round will demonstrate that their technology is ready for wider application. A portion of the world will finally see what they have been building on for so many years. The faith and the trust which such high-level superiors have placed in them will at last be proven wise.
Grasping a sealed sphere between his hands, Vik takes measured steps toward the table containing his computer and specially developed sphere mount. Carefully, he allows the glass ball to gently roll into place. A satisfying knock is felt as it nestles into the mount. Immediately Vik enters code, charts arrives on his screen, he continues to type.
Poised across the room, with the complimentary sphere also now in place, Ned begins tapping his keyboard and text instantly populates his monitor.
Ned unconsciously holds his breath while typing. Immediately a response arrives on Vik’s screen. “Eureka!”, exclaims Vik, lifting himself high.
Leaping, Ned rushes over to his co-worker and they embrace and jump and tremble and laugh, almost maniacally, yet they are so very happy to have completed their risky dive, with resounding success.